The following Paid Workshops are adjacent to the Main Event, happening Thursday and Friday of that week.
Paid Workshop
in Scala 3
Scala 3 introduces a smorgasbord of new metaprogramming facilities, building upon the rock-solid foundations of TASTy, inlining, and the theory of Quotes and Splices, and providing all the capabilities of Scala 2 macros—and much more! Principled Metaprogramming in Scala 3 brings a new power to design APIs that are not only elegant, but fast...then turns that into a superpower with guarantees about your code's safety.
This course will indulge in these new features. We begin with an exploration of Inline Methods, developing a confidence to understand how they behave. We learn techniques for reasoning about inlining, and a clarity on the distinction between runtime and compiletime facts, with a particular focus on static analysis, dependent typing and branch elimination.
Paid Workshop
It can be a challenge to see how to go from solving "Leet Code" and "Advent of Code" problems in APL to tackling full-blown applications written mostly in APL. This workshop focuses on an opinionated, curated approach to writing full programs that retain the simplicity and clarity of smaller APL programs as you tackle larger and more complex applications that must interface with the outside world and that cannot be contained in a simple one-line APL program.
We will teach the principles of this opinionated APL architecture and work through the practical application of these principles using some fun and relevant application examples. The attendee is encouraged to bring their own program ideas for discussion and implementation. Our goal is to help you move from toy hobbyist to someone who can really put APL to use as an application development tool.